Solo female travel to Cairo and seeing the Great Pyramids

cairo with hannah

Written by Hannah

June 28, 2023

Let’s talk about solo female travel to Cairo! Back in March 2023 after my El Salvador trip, I headed to Egypt for the first time! I spent about 10 days in Cairo, with the main goal of visiting the Giza pyramids.

First impressions as solo female travel to Cairo

At first, Cairo was quite overwhelming with the traffic, cultural differences, language differences, sheer amount of people that want to sell you something, etc. But I slowly got more comfortable and learned my way around. While I experienced a ton of street harassment, it was actually much less than I had mentally prepared myself for. Both harassment from people selling things and men making comments on my appearance. But despite this, I never felt unsafe. I did notice that by dressing conservatively and covering my hair, I received fewer comments on my appearance, but it was still quite a lot.

How much does it cost to travel to Cairo?

I always had this idea that Egypt was a very expensive country, but to be honest, it’s been the cheapest country I’ve visited so far on this trip, by far. I stayed at a budget hotel for $15 a night which included a big breakfast. I used the hotel concierge service and booked tours through them, and it was honestly a great experience.

My first time seeing the pyramids in Egypt

Getting my first glimpse of the pyramids from the highway was absolutely incredible. Having a tour to visit them in person was so surreal. They are huge and imposing. It’s impossible to capture their magnificence with photos and videos, although I tried.

I took the opportunity to also go inside the great pyramid of Giza. It is extremely hot and humid inside, but very cool to be all the way up inside of the pyramid!

My tour also included visiting the lesser-known Saqqara pyramids, explored in the Netflix documentary about Saqqara, and the open-air museum Memphis. I really enjoyed seeing these sites with Maryam, a very knowledgeable Egyptologist. You can book a tour with her here.

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