1 On 1 Coaching with Hannah

Become Location Independent

Earn Your Income Online From Anywhere & Travel the World


Get Started from Just $150

Goal Setting

Get clear on your dream and what you want your future to look like.


Create a Timeline & Action Plan

Based on your unique circumstances, we will make a plan for next steps to transition to your new life.


Finances & Travel on a Budget

We will set up a budget and find ways to maximize your money as you travel.

Career & Work Advice

 Figure out what you will do for online income (freelance, start a service business, teach a language, or something else) and start moving down that path.

Helping You Find Success With Personalized Coaching


Feel Like It’s Time to Make a Change in Your Life, But Can’t Seem to Find a Way?


If you are tired of spending all your time working just to pay the bills and have a place to live, and struggling to fit in all your dream trips into just two weeks of vacation per year, it’s time to make a change.


If you feel like your possessions and lifestyle own you, instead of the other way around, it’s time to make a change.


If you’ve dreamed of seeing the world, but felt you never had the funds to do so, and would travel the world “one day,” now is your time.


Your wildest dreams are possible!

What Is Location Independence Coaching?

Can you help for unique situations?

Yes, I can. We have all walked different paths to reach this point, and there’s no one answer that’s right for 100% of people. We’ll take into account your unique situation and goals, and find a location independent solution for you and yours.

I'm waiting for the perfect moment to leave behind my stable life. Am I doing this right?

It’s normal to be afraid of the unknown. It’s normal for our loved ones to be worried about us if we choose a different path. There will never be a perfect moment. The time to act is now. I’ll answer all your questions about what ifs and concerns you have, to get you comfortable fending off well intended questions and feeling confident in your decision.

What makes location independence coaching different from life coaching?

The goal of location independence coaching is more specific than with life coaching. We will focus on creating a plan for you to make money from anywhere in the world, and taking the action steps to reach that dream!

What makes working with you different than working with other coaches?

If you decide to work with me, you’ll be able to take advantage of my my extensive experience planning and implementing big lifestyle changes, traveling long-term, living abroad, and running a business from anywhere. You’ll also get the benefits of the information, resources, and connections I’ve gathered over the years. I provide guidance and accountability to identify what you want and how to get it with my non-judgmental, supportive coaching style.

Why should I pay for coaching when there are tons of free resources on becoming a digital nomad?

If you have been stuck in the information gathering phase, unsure where to go next or unable to move forward on your own, then the accountability and specific action items you will get during coaching, paired with a supportive and encouraging environment will help you to move forward.

 How Do I know If Location Independence is Right For Me?

Find Your Big Why to Drive You

Discuss Pros & Cons for Your Situation

Create Your Step by Step Action Plan

What is a typical day like when you are location independent?

 Well, it is different for everyone and can look like whatever you want! I usually work a few hours in the morning and a few hours in the evening Monday to Friday, and take the rest of the day off to relax. I’ll exercise, eat, go for a walk, do yoga/meditate, nap, hang out with friends, watch Netflix, go to the beach, go into town, or any of the other activities I enjoy. On the weekends, I’ll go to the beach, swim in the pool, go for a hike, or explore a new nearby town. 

How much money do I need to get started?

The more you have in savings, the better. However, I’m living proof that with recurring monthly income of $500-$1000 you can live a comfortable or even luxurious lifestyle in many parts of the world. It is smart to prepare for unexpected expenses, but you don’t have to wait for the “perfect” moment to jump into this new lifestyle.

Should I pay off all my debt before starting this lifestyle?

This is totally up to you and will depend on your situation. However, I’m living proof that you can pay off your debt while you travel, and perhaps even more quickly then you could in your current situation!

How can I feel at home anywhere in the world?

When you are location independent, your home is where you lay your head at night. You’ll learn techniques to settle in to your new neighborhood and live like a local, so that you can feel comfortable almost anywhere.

How do I know if location independence is right for me?

If you are reading this right now, it means you are curious about location independence. That’s a great place to start. Remember, just because you choose something now does not mean you have to choose it for your entire life. You can test it out and see if it is right for you!

My Approach

With over five years of experience in location independence, I’ve tried many things. Learn from my mistakes instead of repeating them on your own! I’ve earned income in a variety of ways online, learned a lot about budget travel and the digital nomad life, and built several businesses from scratch. I’ve traveled the world with my dogs, paid off debt while traveling, lived in my car, moved to Mexico and then Spain, created YouTube channels, and gotten WAY outside of my comfort zone. Regardless of your current situation or obstacles in your way, I can help you to reach your location independent goals. 

I have many years of teaching experience and am patient, positive, and supportive. We all have fears and uncertainties about the “what ifs” of digital nomad life, and I can help you to make an actionable plan that you feel excited about!

How It Works


Choose a Coaching Plan

Review the options below and choose one based on your timeline and budget. Reach out with any questions or concerns!

Schedule Your Strategy Session

Let’s chat about your current situation, goals, hangups, and questions. We’ll create an action plan for the next week.

Reach Your Goals

With weekly video chat check in calls and daily check in messages, we’ll update the plan and continue to create next steps as we go. Additional video chat calls can be scheduled for free as needed.

Strategy Session 

During the two hour strategy session, we will discuss all of your dreams, skills, current situation, and wishes. You’ll also get a follow up email with an action plan for the coming weeks and months to reach your goals.

If you decide to sign up for a package afterwards, the money you paid for the strategy session will be credited towards the cost of the package.


You'll Get:
  • 2 hour strategy session
  • Action Plan

3 Month Coaching Package

Need some additional help making the transition to location independence? Let me help every step of the way with this 3 month package. We’ll create new healthy habits and work on a long term strategy, no matter what comes up as we proceed.

Payment plans available upon request.


You'll Get:
  • 2 hour strategy session
  • Weekly check in calls for 1 hour
  • One additional check in email each week
  • Weekly Action Plan
  • An additional check in call for 1 hour each week if all action items for the week are already completed
  • Unlimited email support Monday-Friday
  • Coaching services for 3 consecutive months!
  • Some additional surprises along the way

6 Month Coaching Package

 Need some additional help making the transition to location independence? Let me help every step of the way with this 6 month package. We’ll create new healthy habits and work on a long term strategy, no matter what comes up as we proceed.

Payment plans available upon request.


You'll Get:
  • 2 hour strategy session
  • Weekly check in calls for 1 hour
  • One additional check in email each week
  • Weekly Action Plan
  • An additional check in call for 1 hour each week if all action items for the week are already completed
  • Unlimited email support Monday-Friday
  • Coaching services for 6 consecutive months!
  • Some additional surprises along the way
  • A discounted price on coaching

12 Month Coaching Package

Need some additional help making the transition to location independence? Let me help every step of the way with this 12 month package. We’ll create new healthy habits and work on a long term strategy, no matter what comes up as we proceed.

Payment plans available upon request.


You'll Get:
  • 2 hour strategy session
  • Weekly check in calls for 1 hour
  • One additional check in email each week
  • Weekly Action Plan
  • An additional check in call for 1 hour each week if all action items for the week are already completed
  • Unlimited email support Monday-Friday
  • Coaching services for 12 consecutive months!
  • Some additional surprises along the way
  • The most discounted coaching price available!

Still Have Questions?