One Day at The Hatsuk Beach in Israel

Written by Hannah

October 6, 2023

Check out my adventures at the Hatsuk Beach in Tel Aviv, Israel!

For years, whenever I visit a city, I start to feel claustrophobic if I don’t have access to nature. I like to get out of the concrete jungle and stretch my legs in nature. 

This was also the case in Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv is a very modern city with a European vibe. After over a month in Egypt, it was a relief to not be spoken to unless I started a conversation.

Travel adventures to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv

Discovering Tel Aviv

While close to Jerusalem, it’s a very different animal. Jerusalem is a quiet city on Saturdays (Shabbat), the Jewish Day of Rest. Shabbat happens each week from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday. And Tel Aviv is popping. Like any large modern city, there is a lot of variety in Tel Aviv.

Curiously, I didn’t realize that Tel Aviv was a coastal city with beaches until I was there. I tend to not research a lot in advance of my travels, which allows me to go with the flow and not have too many expectations. 

One-day trip to Hastuk Beach in Israel

So one morning before work (since I went to work online in the afternoons due to the time zone difference) I took the bus over to the beach and walked around for a while. I dipped my toes in the sea and walked barefoot in the sand. The beach was packed with families, groups of friends, and people playing sports. I wandered down to the boardwalk and walked around a bit.

I didn’t have much time, but I enjoyed getting out and getting some fresh air, before heading home and getting ready for work.

If you’re spending more time in Tel Aviv, I recommend checking out TripAdvisor for things to see and do in the city (and surroundings.)

How I spent my time in Tel Aviv

To be honest, there wasn’t much that I did while in Tel Aviv in terms of major tourist attractions, due to most things being pretty far from where I was staying by public transit and/or not having a high enough level of interest to me. But I enjoyed my visit to Tel Aviv.

I like doing regular things like walking to nearby parks, playing on playground equipment, buying groceries and preparing food at home, hanging out with my Airbnb host’s dogs and chatting with her, etc.

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