Best Tips For Camping With Pets

camping with pets

Written by Hannah

May 23, 2023

Let’s say you’ve been wanting to go camping with pets for some time, but you haven’t actually done it yet. What’s stopping you? Maybe you aren’t feeling too confident about what you will need in terms of gear, or how to plan the trip, especially if you and/or your dog are new to camping!

Preparing for camping with pets

First up, planning the campsite! I recommend starting by camping at a state park nearby. Yes, boondocking or camping in the city of BLM/state forest land is possible, but I recommend saving this for after you have more experience under your belt as there are more logistics to manage.

To find a state park near you, you can do a brief Google search or visit I recommend a campsite with hookups (water and electricity) as well as bathrooms so you don’t have to stress out over those details when you are starting off. I recommend booking a spot within an hour of your house, just to have that security of not having to drive far. 

I went (van) camping with my pets in El Potrero Chico, which is a famous rock climbing spot, Tamasopo Waterfalls in San Luis Potosi, the one and only sand dunes Las Dunas de Bilbao, El Faro de Peter in Mexquitic de Carmona, and many other places across Latin America and the US!

What gear do you need?

Next up, prepping the gear. Make sure you have a tent to sleep in (I’d recommend borrowing from a friend) and you know how to set it up, and it’s not missing any parts. You can practice setting it up in your house or yard prior to camping just to be sure. I recommend borrowing as much of this as you can, so you don’t invest money in something that might not be exactly the way you like.

The following is the gear list I recommend for you:

  • Tent- if you plan to sleep in your vehicle you won’t need this
  • Sleeping pad 
  • Sleeping bag
  • Sleeping bag liner if it will be a cold night
  • Cooler with ice and food
  • Snacks
  • Several gallons of drinking water
  • Water bottle
  • Phone charger
  • Power bank
  • Cash in case the campground has a store and you want to buy firewood or snacks
  • Toiletries (deodorant, toothbrush, and toothpaste)
  • Pajamas 
  • Layers for nighttime
  • Change of clothes
  • Towel if you decide to shower
  • Lighter and kindling if you plan to make a campfire
  • Lamp/headlamp/flashlight
  • Camping chair or blanket to sit on
  • Daypack to pack a few things if you go for a hike/walk around the campsite

Don’t forget about your dog’s supplies!

And of course, we can’t forget your dog’s supplies! I recommend the following:

  • Stake/long lead/runner to give your dog some space to stretch their legs while on leash. One option I like is a long length of rope that I tie between two trees and then attach a carabiner to the end of my dog’s leash to let them romp around. However, this gets harder if you have more than one dog
  • Your dog’s normal food and water bowls
  • Optional: Collapsible lightweight water bowl or Tupperware if you plan to go for walks/hikes
  • Blankets/bedding for your dog
  • Treats
  • Sufficient food for your dog
  • A toy/toys
  • Optional: Dog backpack for them to carry their own water if going for a hike

More tips for camping with your dogs

Before making the camping reservation, be sure to check the overnight temperatures in your area. Too cold or too warm will result in an uncomfortable night of sleep. Personally, I like to camp when the temperatures are in the 50s or 60s at night. Once it starts to get in the 70s at night, it is too warm for me to get comfortable.

As you gain more experience camping, you will figure out what kinds of gear you specifically need, but the above is enough to get you a start. 

There’s nothing to it but to do it. By getting out in nature with your dog, you’ll be able to increase your bond with them and have a special one on one experience. If you have any questions about camping or traveling with your pets, book a consultation with me!

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