Meet the pack

Digital Nomad
Hannah is the creator of Destined for Adventure. She has been blogging since 2011, and location independent since 2015. Her favorite things include travel, adventure, nature, naps, food, animals, and creative projects. She is originally from Maryland, USA and has lived outside of the US since 2018. Connect with Hannah!

Snuggle Lover
Chantique loves meowing, treats, scratching on her scratcher, being on your lap, or spooning you under the blanket while you sleep. Chantique was adopted from a hotel in Malaysia where she showed up in poor health the day I checked in and insisted on coming into my room to sleep.

Kitten at Heart
Antoline loves playing, with her scratcher, getting chin scratches, meowing in the middle of the night, and squeezy treats. Antoline was adopted from a hostel in Malaysia where she got left behind by a traveler who brought her home from the local market.

Pack Protector
Campana loves naps on the couch, pets, taking out her frustration on Brisa, biting Monty’s legs, and barking at other dogs and the bus. Campana and her kids Brisa and Monty were adopted off the streets of Mexico where they were barely hanging on and had been abused.

Mama’s Boy
Monty loves to be on Mama’s lap, walks, dental chew bones, treats, chicken nuggets, whining when he’s not with his mama, and leaping about like a maniac when it’s meal time.

Couch Monster
Brisa loves going for walks, stuffed toys, treats, chicken nuggets, and crawling under the couch cove, and thrashing around like a couch monster.

Old Lady Cat
Cenicienta loves sleeping on weird things like shoes or open organizer tubs, purrs when you look in her direction, beef wet food, and coming for pets when the other cats are busy. She was adopted from the streets of Mexico in poor health, living under a car with the dogs.

Jubilee "Jubi"
In Loving Memory, 2009-2019

Maximus "Max"
In Loving Memory, 2009-2019