How My Van Caught Fire In Mexico

van caught fire while i was driving it in mexico

Written by Diana Luciana

January 31, 2023

One afternoon as I was traveling from my campsite in Etaztlan, Jalisco, Mexico to my next campsite at Cabañas del Vulcan de Tequila in Tequila, Jalisco, Mexico, suddenly in the middle of nowhere my van caught on fire. Watch the video below to learn what happened next.

Luckily, I was able to think and act quickly, and all of my animals were completely unharmed. And I received only second-degree burns. Thank goodness the fire happened exactly where it did. It was literally the only place along the drive where I was able to receive help from the people at the cabin where I was supposed to stay. No cell phone service and no other residences or businesses or people around for miles. It could have definitely been a lot worse. Unfortunately, my van Marshmallow burned to pieces.

After my van caught fire

The following several months were a mess of dealing with insurance, waiting 11 weeks for an eventual partial payout despite much insisting on my part… Trying to figure out where I would live and how I would move my animals around with no vehicle, and just a snowball of terrible things that continued to happen as a result of the fire. Someone said they were so impressed I was managing so well, and I said, well I cry every day. Things just keep getting worse and worse, so I just have to have faith that at some point they can only start getting better. And after some time, they eventually did.

Why did my van burn?

Many people asked me what caused the fire. The truth is, we will never know. I had taken the van to a reputable mechanic prior to departing for the trip, and they did some regular maintenance and took care of the van. There was absolutely nothing left to be able to tell what happened after the fire, although many people have their suspicions. When the insurance adjustor came, they couldn’t even find the serial number anywhere on the van. The heat of the fire and multiple explosions of the van erased it. Normally, the serial number would be stamped in several different locations, but none remained after the fire. 

Should I get back to van life?

Many people have asked me if I’ll buy another van. While I absolutely loved living and traveling in the van with my rescue pets, I think my next vehicle will be a four-wheel drive truck. As I spend a lot of time in remote areas with questionable road maintenance, I think that will be a better option for me and my pets. The van got stuck many times, and I think it will be less of a problem with my future truck. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to buy one yet. The money I had saved was not enough for what I am looking for, and I’m not eligible for a line of credit in Mexico yet. So I’m saving my money and hoping to get my new pickup truck later this year.

After the fire, so many of my friends helped me out! They sent replacement items from my Amazon wish list, sent me money, or even started a fundraiser for me. I am truly grateful for all of the support and kindness from everyone.

Traveling with your van in Mexico?

If you’re traveling with your van in Mexico, I recommend these two Facebook groups: Overland Mexico and On the Road in Mexico.

Free resources for vanlife Mexico

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