Blue Hole Egypt: Everything You Need to Know

Blue Hole Egypt: Everything You Need to Know

Have you ever been to Blue Hole in Egypt? The Blue Hole is a diving location in southeast Sinai, a few kilometers north of Dahab, Egypt on the coast of the Red Sea. It’s a submarine sinkhole with a max depth within the hole of just over 100 m/328 ft. ...
My Surprising Solo Female Hiking Adventures in Egypt

My Surprising Solo Female Hiking Adventures in Egypt

Check out my solo female hiking adventures in Egypt! Well, to be honest, I didn’t complete the entire trail. But, it was the only hike I did in Egypt, so I thought it would still be cool to share! I started out from Dahab and caught a Bedouin “taxi” which is a pickup...
My First Time Scuba Diving in Egypt

My First Time Scuba Diving in Egypt

This was my first scuba diving in Egypt! My visit to Sharm El-Sheikh was a surprise. I knew I wanted to go to Dahab, and so I had to fly into Sharm. I did a little research before arriving and decided to stay a few days in Sharm before heading to Dahab via local bus....
One Day at The Hatsuk Beach in Israel

One Day at The Hatsuk Beach in Israel

Check out my adventures at the Hatsuk Beach in Tel Aviv, Israel! For years, whenever I visit a city, I start to feel claustrophobic if I don’t have access to nature. I like to get out of the concrete jungle and stretch my legs in nature.  This was also the case...